Ten Reasons Why Your Baby Could Be Crying

by admin on September 22, 2011

crying baby Ten Reasons Why Your Baby Could Be CryingAll young babies cry when they’re hungry, and it’s the first thing parents think of when their infant starts to fuss.

1. In hot weather babies also tend to become thirstier than normal.

2. Breastfed babies may need extra breast milk, while bottle-fed babies should be offered cooled water regularly.

3. The second port of call when your baby cries is usually a nappy check. Wet or dirty nappies can be uncomfortable against the skin and babies often cry to let you know they want to be changed.

4. A tired baby is a grumpy one until he or she falls asleep. An over-tired child may be bright and cheery one minute and tearful the next. The key is routine – if you know your baby is due for a nap, try putting her to bed regardless of whether she seems wide awake or not.

5. Crying caused by wind or colic is usually intense and you may recognise its sound as different to your baby’s normal cry. Some babies go red in the face and pull their legs up.

6. Summer heat can be uncomfortable for infants. On hot days, keep your baby cool with light, loose-fitting clothing.

7. Babies love to feel cosy and secure, even in warm weather. Keep clothing to a minimum and consider a light cotton or muslin sheet as a cover. Even in a room that seems warm, a draft can be unsettling.

8. Sometimes they just want a cuddle, a smile or to be picked up for a few minutes. A crying baby could be saying, “You’ve been too busy to play with me, it’s my turn now!” As baby gets older and more aware, it may be a message of pure frustration: “I can see that toy, but I just can’t grab it!”

9. Ever noticed how your baby really turns it on when you get home from a party or a long day with the rellies? It might just be too much of a good thing. Yes, babies adore attention, but they can easily become exhausted. It mightn’t seem like they’ve run a marathon, but lots of people holding and coo-ing over them can be tiring.

10. Sore gums are enough to make you want to scream – and that’s exactly how babies feel too. As the milk teeth begin to erupt, gums become red and swollen and many bubs become irritable, clingy and have trouble sleeping.

If you’re not sure why your baby is crying, but he or she appears to be in pain, it’s always best to see your doctor. Babies can’t tell you they feel ill or where it hurts, but a medically trained professional knows how to identify the symptoms. Baby pain relievers work wonders in cases of mild illness or a temperature, but if the problem persists more than a day or so, seek professional help.


Baby Care Tips For Babies With Special Needs

by admin on September 14, 2011

specialneeds Baby Care Tips For Babies With Special NeedsFind programs that are mandated to help the families transition the child into another program after the age of three years such as an early headstart, private preschool, or a special education pre-K classroom at the local public school. Parenting a child with special needs is not easy.

You were not prepared for this, few people are. There are counselors who will specialize in working with families with special needs children. They know how to help work through the sorrow, shoulder the challenges, push away the tendency for self-blame, and find meaning in a life you did not plan.

You can also access your community resources for help in dealing with your special needs baby. There may be parent groups, classes, play groups or other things that are available to help support you and your child as you navigate the world of their special needs. Take advantage of all that is offered to help ease the way as you figure what your special needs child requires.

Keep in mind that you may also need to make adjustments within your home. You may have to arrange furniture or even remodel in order to make your home more manageable. Your schedule will have to allow time for doctor’s visits or therapy. The best you can do is to prepare for any changes that you know will need to be done and then try to be flexible that more changes may need to happen later.

Your children will be very excited about their new sibling, so it’s important for you to maintain peace and a positive outlook about the newest member of the family.

Once the baby comes home, the more special care the older siblings can give, the more they can feel involved. This can help your other children understand the importance of family and help instill feelings of empathy for all the members of the family.

One of the most important things you can do when preparing for your special needs child  is to do research. It will be crucial to know everything you can about your child’s special needs. You will want to take the time to research the cause of the special needs, treatments and available therapies. Keep in mind that you will want to be the advocate for you child and you will not be able to do that if you are not knowledgeable about your child’s special needs.


Baby Care Tips For Working Mothers

September 14, 2011

Tweet As a working mother, you are presented with challenges that very few other people ever have to deal with. The combined pressures of work and childrearing are not to be ignored because they will eventually take their toll on even the most hardened woman. If you don’t give yourself a night off every now [...]

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Laughter Is The Best Medicine For You And Your Baby

June 13, 2011


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Baby Care Tips – Feeding baby Tips

June 13, 2011

Tweet To breast feed or bottle feed; a very popular question for mothers and mothers to be. If you are not sure which option will be good for you prior to birth you can always start out with breastfeeding then change to formula if that doesn’t work out. If you decide to give your baby [...]

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Baby Care Tips – Baby Sleep Tips

June 13, 2011

Tweet Established mothers know too well the troubles and lengths one has to go through sometimes to get their baby’s to sleep. Though there are a number of factors that may affect baby’s going to sleep and his sleep pattern for the entire night negatively there is always something that can enhance the situation. Try [...]

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Baby Care Tips – Baby Skin Care Tips

June 13, 2011

Tweet Your baby is very fragile when they just come into this world. Their immune systems are not familiar with the many germs and bacteria that are patiently waiting to just take them over. Start with baby’s skin and care for it properly. Since babies don’t do anything but eat and sleep for the first [...]

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Baby Care Tips – How To Prepare Bringing Newborn Home From Hospital

June 10, 2011

Tweet For many women, they as well as their newborn baby is ready to leave the hospital between two and five days after the birth. This means that all your preparation for bringing baby home should have been done at least a week before your due date. Taking care of a new baby can be [...]

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